

Professional Interior Design & Contracting Services

Fine Art Interior Design Limited provides professional interior design and contracting services for community services centre, hospital, clinic, healthcare centre, educational institution, laboratory, commercial, religious and residential etc. We are formerly named as Fine Art Interior Design Company and established in 1998. After several years of experience in this field, Fine Art Interior Design Limited was founded in 2003 to cope with its rapid expansion. We have accomplished many successful projects over the past years with good and favourable commendations from our clients. Meanwhile, we are listed as a Registered Minor Works Contractor (Company) Class 1 in Buildings Department in 2011 and are eligible for carrying out various types and classes of interior fitting-out works.

富圖室內設計有限公司為不同的客戶包括社區服務中心、醫院、診所、醫療護理中心、教育機構、實驗室、商業、宗教及住宅等提供專業的室內設計服務及裝修工程。 本公司的前身為富圖室內設計公司,並於一九九八年成立。 享有多年豐富的設計經驗,同時為了配合業務的擴充,富圖室內設計有限公司於二零零三年成立。 回顧過去,我們完成了許多不同類別的設計項目及裝修工程,並獲得客戶的讚賞及高度的評價。我們更於2011年成功通過屋宇署的審批,成為註冊小型工程第一級別承建商(公司),受認可從事各類型室內裝修工程。


Rely on our team and enjoy your time!